This Half Round Expanded Neoprene Cord is 25mm wide by 12mm high and supplied by the linear metre. It is made from a closed cell sponge material which does not absorb water so is suitable for making watertight seals on boat hatches, lockers, enclosures, car boots, and cabinets.
We manufacture this product from high quality Expanded Neoprene which is a non-marking compressible material suitable for a wide range of every day and industrial applications. When compressed to approximately 30%, Expanded Neoprene will create a good long-term watertight seal without risk of compression set. This material has a good modular resistance to most substances including UV, air and ozone. Expanded Neoprene has a density of 130Kg/m3 and an operating temperature range between -40°C to +100°C.
Expanded Neoprene can be bonded onto most clean flat surfaces. We recommend using a good quality contact adhesive such as our A262 (available from our website) when coming into contact with large amounts of water.