Brush Seals
Brush seals, also known as brush strips and weatherpiles, can be used for draught and weatherproofing the top, bottom and side of sash windows and casement windows and doors. They consist of a row of bristles that close the gap between the window and frame providing a level of protection against draughts and water ingress.
Our brush seals are recognised within the industry for use in heritage and conservation buildings, including Grade I and Grade II listed buildings. However, the brush structure is versatile and effective in sealing gaps around almost any residential, commercial and industrial windows and doors.
We offer two different types of brush seals; self-adhesive and carrier fit. Our self-adhesive brush seals are manufactured with a high-quality self-adhesive backing that can be stuck onto most clean and grease free surfaces. Our carrier fit brush seals slide into a self-adhesive carrier (sold separately) or groove within the window frame.
All Glazing, Door & Window SealsFrequently Asked Questions
Do brush seals keep water out?
Brush seals are primarily designed for dust and light exclusion, and their ability to keep water out is limited compared to other types of seals. The structure of brush seals, consisting of bristles made from polypropylene, allows them to conform to irregular surfaces and provide a barrier against air, dust and light. However, this same structure does not make them highly effective for waterproofing.
While brush seals can handle some degree of moisture and may provide minimal protection against light water spray or mist, they are not suitable for areas where there is direct or heavy water exposure. In scenarios where waterproofing is an important requirement rubber gaskets are generally a better choice.
What is the difference between a window gasket and a brush seal?
The main differences between rubber seals and brush seals lie in their applications and the materials they are manufactured from.
Window gaskets are typically manufactured from rubber materials that are designed to compress and form a tight seal. For example, bubble or flipper gaskets feature a bulb or lip that squashes when the window or door is closed. This compares to brush seals that consist of densely packed bristles, made up of materials like Polypropylene. These bristles flex and can conform to irregular surfaces or accommodate movement.
Rubber seals are typically used in applications that require excellent sealing against air and water. However, brush seals prominently prevent dust and light exclusion and may not provide an effective barrier against water.
How do you install a brush seal?
Installing a brush seal will depend on whether you have purchased a product with a self-adhesive backing or one that fits into a carrier / groove in your frame.
To fit a self-adhesive brush seal you will need to make sure all surfaces are clean, dry and free from dust and grime. This ensures a good adhesion between the brush seal and surface. Peel off the self-adhesive backing and stick the section to the required position on your window frame. We recommend that you wait approximately 30 minutes for the adhesive backing to bond before opening and closing the window.
Carrier fit brush seals can either be inserted into a groove in your frame or a self-adhesive carrier. Using a pair of long nosed pliers, pull the brush seal along the groove making sure not to damage the section. We recommend using a small amount of superglue to secure the seal at either end and minimise the chance of it moving.
Can Seals Direct help me identify a replacement brush seal?
Deciding on the best replacement brush seal for your window or door may seem like a complicated task. Although this section may not seem like the most important part of your window or door, it is essential for reducing draughts, water ingress and keeping your home warm and comfortable.
Our extensive range of brush seals allows you to choose a replacement section that fits the gap you are looking to fill. All of these products are manufactured from a high-quality Polyurethane and have been specifically designed for residential and commercial windows and doors.
For further information or technical support with choosing the best replacement section for your home, you can get in touch with our knowledgeable team. If you would prefer, you are welcome to send us a sample of your existing section for identification. We can use this to help you identify a suitable replacement.