Measuring a Hidden Gap - BluTack Hack!

Measuring the gap between two panels is sometimes very difficult. It is a fairly straight forward process if you have access to both sides of the gap, as you can use a Vernier or tape measure to take a quick measurement.

The difficulty comes when you are trying to measure a gap somewhere you can’t see or access. This is common with hatches and enclosures where you need to close the door to reveal the gap but in doing so you also limit your access to the space you need to measure. You physically can’t get inside the space to take a measurement of the distance between the door and frame when the door is closed.

Buying a replacement rubber seal is then very difficult as you’re left guessing the size of the gap you need to fill. If you buy a product that is too big, you may not be able to close the door, and if you buy a product that is too small, you won’t create a seal and risk the chance of water ingress.


There is a fairly simple trick that allows you to take a very accurate measurement of a hidden gap.

You can do this by sticking a piece of BluTack onto one edge. When you then close the door, you will squash the BluTack to the exact size of the gap between the door and frame. When you remove the BluTack you can measure its thickness to get a fairly accurate measurement of the gap you need to seal.

If you find that the BluTack sticks to both sides of the panel, apply a small amount of talcum powder or silicone spray to one surface. When you close the door, this will still squash the BluTack but not stick to the top surface.

If you are measuring a gap so that you can purchase and install a sponge rubber seal, feel free to speak to the technical team at Seals Direct. You can contact us via email at or via phone on 01425 617722.

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